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Senin, 23 Juli 2012

The Winner of The Winner of Graded Reading Program 2011/2012 (Part 2)

The 2011-2012 Graded Reading Program organized by Vita School Library has expired last month. However, there have been several students and teachers who have completed the program with good results. This time Vita Library will feature their comments and impressions after completing the Graded Reading Program. Yupp they are Grace J. Anggrianto (Grade 6), Ezechiel Clifford (Grade 5), Ms Anastasia Suryani (ES), and Ms Linda (ES).

Grace J. Anggrianto (Grade 6)
“I join this program because I want to learn more about English language, especially understanding the story. Reading those books make me be more careful to answer a question. If you want to finish this program, you must try to read book, because it’s make us more understand about history, science, and world. I don’t feel bored because I have to answer and read the book and that’s make me decrease my time to watch TV. My favourite book is Agatha Christie, because I like mystery.”

Ezechiel Clifford (Grade 5D)
“I’m exciting to read all the books, because they have a good story. Graded reading program help me to increase my English score. I like to read Robin Hood, because the story is good.”

Ms Anastasia Suryani (Elementary Teacher)
“I decided to join this program because I wanted to enhance my vocabulary and reading skills, as well understand more about other things, such as culture, psychology, etc. this program has helped me in developing my vocabulary and reading skills, as well as my culture awareness. If we want to be successful, we have to read about anything. That is one source of information we need. As long as we live, we need to learn. It’s a life time process, and it can be achieved through reading. The interesting experience I had in this program was when I read about Nelson Mandela. The name “Steve Biko” was mentioned twice in the book. Then at level 6, I chose to borrow “Cry Freedom” because it was about Steve Biko. I wanted to know more about him and his ideas. I liked reading “A Passage to India” because it taught me so much about British and Indian when they had to coexist in India long time ago. The difference of treatment they accepted really made me excited. “

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